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About Us

Congregation Adas Bnei Yisroel has been serving the Peterson Park neighborhood of Chicago for over 100 years. We welcome you to join our warm and vibrant kehilla led by our Rav, Rabbi Moshe Zev Kaufman, shlita.

We have 2 minyanim for Shacharis every weekday except Sunday, and 2 minyanim for Ma'ariv as well. During summer Shabasos, we have early and regular time minyanim on Friday nights, as well as 2 minyanim for Mincha on Shabbbos afternoon.

We have learning programs and classes running from early morning until night, all week long, for young and old alike. From our Kollel Boker to Daf Yomi and Masmidim, the walls of our Bais Hamedrash resound with the Kol Torah. All our learning programs are open to the public.

Wed, September 18 2024 15 Elul 5784